Energy Efficiency
Ceiling diffusers can play a significant role in improving the energy efficiency of an HVAC system. Well-performing diffusers can help to mix supplied air with room air more efficiently, which in turn reduces the load on equipment. This is achieved by reducing stratification, the layering of warm and cold air in a room. By improving the mixing of supplied and room air, energy is not wasted by over-heating or over-cooling certain areas of the room. At EffectiV, we see an HVAC system as a chain of components, with the air diffusers as the last link. This last link is often the cheapest and weakest, and it is through strengthening this link that overall performance of the HVAC system can be improved. Our diffusers are designed to improve the mixing of supplied and room air, ultimately reducing the load on equipment and improving the energy efficiency of the HVAC system.
Energy Efficiency Products